
Low Mood Activities

Everyone feels down at times and for some people, this can affect their mental health. These activities and videos can help you talk about these feelings and find ways to cope on low days.

Take 5 Breathing Exercise

An exercise to help manage and regulate breathing patterns.

Bodyscan Exercise

An exercise to help you use your body to relax.

Depression & Anxiety

Helping you understand the difference between feeling low and depression.

Facing Shadows Video

This short film was created by young people to explain what depression is.

Paper Chain People Activity

This activity helps you to see who is there to support them when they need it.

Got to Paper Chain Men Activity

Mental Health & You Podcast

Mental Health & You is a series of podcasts based in Norfolk & Suffolk which explores different aspects of mental health in young people. 

Health Uncovered Podcast

Health Uncovered is a series of podcasts that aims to get young people in-tune with their health and wellbeing. The series is hosted by BBC Radio One presenter Cel Spellman and features young people and health professionals from our Norfolk Healthy Child Service.

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