
Get Involved

As a service offering health and well-being support and advice to children, young people and their families, we know how important it is to make sure we get things right for you.

One of the ways we do this is by ensuring that you get the chance to work with us, sharing your experiences of our service and new ideas so we can continue to offer the best service and outcomes for Norfolk and Waveney's children and young people.

How Can I Get Involved?

There are lots of different ways that you can support us. You could:

  • Volunteer with us
  • Help with interviews for new staff
  • Join our young person (11-24) working group
  • Share your personal experiences
  • Give feedback on website content.

Our Experiences

By young people, for young people

Would you like to share your experiences of this topic with other young people?

This could be some written text, a blog post, a short voice or video recording or even an animation!

Find out more!

Ways to Get Involved

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