
Emotional Health Top Tips

Mental health is an important part of your overall wellbeing, just like physical health. It's okay to talk about your emotions, thoughts, and struggles, as many of us face similar experiences. This page aims to introduce you to some common mental health top tips and provide helpful information to support your wellbeing. Remember, you are not alone, and there are people who care about you and want to help!

Self-Care Avatar

"Looking after your body and mind is really important. There are things we can all do to look after our mental wellbeing.

Remember, taking time for self-care is very important."

Luca, Age 11

(Some names changed to protect people's identities)


  • Know that it’s okay to feel anxious, it’s a really normal feeling.  If you can, tell somebody that you trust so they can support you.
  • Set aside a worry time each day to think about the things that are troubling you.
  • Write down five positive things about your day.
  • Take deep calming breaths when you notice you’re starting to feel anxious.
  • Positive thoughts: “I can do this!”.

Eating & Exercise

  • Eat regularly to keep your blood sugar constant, don’t think about “good” or “bad” foods.
  • Try mindfulness chocolate eating.
  • Give cooking or baking a try – learn to make something new.
  • Exercise is good for your brain and your body – do some star jumps, kick a ball around or go for a walk.
  • Is there an activity you enjoy? Can you do more of it?
  • Join a club or an exercise class.

Low Mood

  • Try and make your own private journal to track your mood, goals and thoughts.
  • Name one thing about today that was positive.
  • Have some motivational statements or pictures on your wall to look at when you’re feeling low.
  • Try to do at least one thing each day that feels good/you might enjoy.


  • Try new hobbies and activities to help build your self-esteem.
  • Write down one thing you are looking forward to in the day, tick it off when you have done it.
  • It’s important to have fun and have time to do the things that you enjoy.


  • Make a safety plan and keep it with you for when things feel really tough.
  • Try and keep yourself busy at times where you are more likely to self-harm.
  • Try not to be on your own when you feel like harming – if you can, stay with others or go out for a walk (if you feel safe to).
  • Use the strategies that feel meaningful for you (e.g. listening to music, drawing, using a punch bag).


  • Put your smart phone on airplane mode at a set point in the evening so it doesn’t distract you when you’re trying to relax and get ready to sleep.
  • Try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day.
  • Take ten deep breaths before you get out of bed in the morning, and before you go to bed at night.
  • Do some calming activities that feel good before bed; like listening to music or having a bath.

Who Can Help?


If you're 11-19 you can text ChatHealth for anonymous and confidential advice and guidance from a health professional.

Text: ChatHealth Norfolk on 07480 635060

If you live in Waveney: Call the Suffolk School Nursing service on 0345 607 8866 or email childrenshealth@suffolk.gov.uk

  • You can chat about a physical or mental health worry or question you have.
  • The team will answer your questions and offer confidential support and advice.

If you need more support, or the team feel worried about your wellbeing, they can talk through the different help available.


If you’re 10 to 18 years old you can get advice and help on the go, seven days a week until 10pm.

Kooth is a free, confidential and safe way to receive online counselling, advice and emotional well-being support. 


You can contact Childline about anything. Whatever your worry, it's better out than in.

Call 0800 1111 to speak to a counsellor, or sign up to an account for other ways to get in touch.

Request for Support

Self-refer for mild to moderate mental health support via online form.

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