

ChatHealth is a secure NHS approved text messaging service. All young people in Norfolk aged 11 – 19 can text to start a conversation with a trained health professional.

  • You can chat about an emotional health or physical health worry or any question you have about things going on in your life.
  • The team will answer your questions and offer confidential support and advice.
  • Texts cost the same as a standard text or will come out of your contract message allowance.

If you need more support, or the team feel worried about your wellbeing, they can talk through the different options available to support you.

Text: ChatHealth Norfolk on 07480 635060

It's open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and closed Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays.

If you text out of hours, you will receive a bounce back message. The message explains where to get help if your question is urgent. 

Our Experiences

By young people, for young people

Would you like to share your experiences of this topic with other young people?

This could be some written text, a blog post, a short voice or video recording or even an animation!

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All You Need To Know

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