A young carer is someone under the age of 18 who helps look after a relative. This may be due to them having a disability, an illness, a mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem.
You may look after a parent or provide care for another family member like a grandparent or sibling. This could include some personal care but also cooking, cleaning and other jobs around the house as well as emotional support.
You might have provided care for years and didn’t realise you are a young carer. Or you might have to suddenly become a carer because of a change in your situation at home.
It is important that you have some choice in what and how much care you provide. It is important to ensure you still get the same opportunities to attend school, complete homework and enjoy time socialising with friends or family. Caring for someone else can feel like a lot, but it is equally important to look after your own wellbeing.
By young people, for young people
"The young carers organisation helped me to meet new people and gave me the opportunities to go to new and interesting experiences like rock climbing and making a bridge.
"It was nice to be me sometimes and get to spend time with other people who understood."
Ali, Age 13
(Some names changed to protect people's identities)
You can talk to your parents or carers, or a trusted adult within your school or setting, or any trusted friend.
If you live in Norfolk:
If you're 11-19 you can text ChatHealth on 07480 635060 for anonymous and confidential advice from a health professional. ChatHealth is available Monday to Friday 9am - 5pm.
You can also contact the Norfolk Healthy Child Service by calling Just One Number on 0300 300 0123. Our opening hours are 8am-6pm Monday-Friday (excluding bank holidays) and 9am-1pm on Saturdays.
If you live in Waveney:
You can call the Suffolk School Nursing service on 0345 607 8866 or email childrenshealth@suffolk.gov.uk.
Carers Matter Norfolk provides a countywide service supporting unpaid carers. They have lots of useful information on their website and an app for young people. Young carers and their families can receive one-to-one or group support to help them make choices about their caring and get the support they need. If you want to talk to one of the team, call them on 0800 083 1148 or fill out a self-referral form.
The Matthew Project 'YouCan' service supports children and young people impacted by someone else's substance misuse, including Young Carers who are responsible for looking after a relative with a drug or alcohol problem. If you want to talk to one of the team you can call them on 0800 979 4866, or email youcan@matthewproject.org
Sidekick is a confidential text service for young carers age 13-18 in the UK. Text 07888 868 059
Kooth offers online counselling, advice and emotional well-being support for anyone aged 10-18, seven days a week until 10pm.
Information for young carers, the impact of being a young carer and how you can find help.
Carers Voice have co-produced a Carers Identity Passport, to ensure Carers are recognised in healthcare settings and can get the help and support they require.
Information, advice, self-help resources, wellbeing tips and activities, plus a catalogue of support services.