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Anxiety is a perfectly normal feeling, we all have this feeling to some extent and we are meant to have it. Anxiety is like an alarm system for our brain, centred around a certain part of the brain. normal. Sometimes, those feelings of anxiety get so big that they take control and stop you from. control and to stop anxiety from ruling your life. Our Experiences By young people, for young people"From a young age I suffered from anxiety. Every time a teacher picks on me for an answer my heart
Talking about your worries and finding ways to manage your feelings is important. These tips and activities can help you to manage anxiety.Glitter Jar A glitter jar is something you can make to help you feel calmer and less confused about your feelings. Make Your Own Worry Box The worry box helps you put your worries in a safe place so you don't have to think about them all at once or all the time. How to Cope with Anxiety A Childline video about anxiety. --> Mental Health & You
Agitation is similar in some ways to anxiety. Both can make you feel tense, or like you have too. you anxious and likewise anxiety can make you agitated. When you are agitated, you will be very quick to show frustration or anger and you might feel bothered. If you have anxiety, it is more common., like abuse, or the death of a loved one Anxiety, depression or low mood Mental health conditions like. mood or anxiety. If you can explore what makes you feel agitated, you can find out whether you need
start to tackle the problem. It could be a personal reason, like if you experience anxiety or low. to ignore it. Find out more about anxiety How can I tell if school is making me anxious?Even if you're. the symptoms of anxiety. Mindfulness involves slowing down and noticing the things around you and it's a good. changes in your thinking and behaviour can help to reduce anxiety. Find out more about CBT What can I do about school anxiety?Low mood can make you feel negative about yourself and the world around
: Online Course - Anxiety in Children & Young People during COVID-19 Learn about anxiety and discover helpful strategies to support young people struggling with anxiety
Everyone feels down at times and for some people, this can affect their mental health. These activities and videos can help you talk about these feelings and find ways to cope on low days.Take 5 Breathing Exercise An exercise to help manage and regulate breathing patterns. --> Bodyscan Exercise An exercise to help you use your body to relax. --> Depression & Anxiety Helping you understand the difference between feeling low and depression. --> Facing Shadows
Fear A range of ways to manage anxiety. Download from: Apple app store Download from: Google Play store. and anxiety. Download from: Apple app store Download from: Google Play store Digital ToolsUseful Articles
, call 999 or go to A&E. Useful Articles and Guidance
Find out more about anxiety symptoms, causes and what you can do to feel better.
Young Minds - anxietyA game designed to help. related anxiety disorders.
No Panic. Struggling to sleep and trying to make yourself sleep only adds to the anxiety. You could try: Breathing.. Try anxiety relaxation techniques. Talking to someone you trust about your anxiety - it can help
If you regularly experience family conflict at home it can have a negative effect on your wellbeing. We've created some resources that help with anxiety, stress and understanding your rights as a young person. Mindfulness Activities For Young People Mindfulness exercises which will help you clear your thoughts and appreciate your feelings, offering some cool down space. DownloadJournalling Guide In this printable guide, you will find a way to express your feelings about your parent's